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Marketing term paper

Marketing term paper deals with this most important wing of today’s every business organization. Today there are so many research articles are publishing every year in this field that you need to show some real innovative quality to be distinct.

Marketing is a management process whereby the resources of the whole organization are utilized to satisfy the needs of selected customer groups in order to achieve the objectives of both parties. It is then first and foremost an attitude of mind than a service of functional activities. Our book report writing section is also great and comes along with that.

This philosophy of business assumes that an organization can best service, prosper and profit by identifying and satisfying the needs of the customers. This however is a recent thinking. Various definitions of this subject have been given from different perspectives, exchange and utility being the two important ones.

The custom term paper in promotion concept, a philosophy of early 1950s gave it a much more important role in business. To apply this concept, an organization must meet three basic needs.

First, it must truly believe in the customer’s importance. Most of the companies give lip service to this idea; no manger wants to be caught saying customers are not important. By contrast, a genuine customer orientation demands a fervent commitment of people, time and monetary resources to implement this orientation.

Second, these efforts must be integrated. Specific and measurable goals should be set; all marketing activities should be coordinated. If various departments follow their own private agendas in conducting marketing activities, the organization may lose sight of customer’s needs.

Finally, management must accept the assumption that profit goals will be reached through satisfied customers. Clearly, the path to profit is not a simple one; all business firms compete within a complex environment that demands astute management of organizational resources and efforts. Nevertheless, managers must have the confidence that if their material needs by offering quality products at fair prices, their companies will make money. Similarly, not for profit organizations will achieve their financial and other goals if they satisfy their customers and members. We also write finance term papers .

A central part of any definition for marketing is the exchange, which is giving something of value for, usually because it satisfies a need or want. Marketers divide products into three categories:
a) goods or physical items; b) services or activities that provide some value to the recipient; c) ideas, or concepts that provide intellectual or spiritual benefits to the customer.

Regardless of the nature of the exchange, certain conditions must exist before the exchange can occur. At a minimum, the following five conditions are necessary for successful exchange:
1) At least two parties must be involved
2) Each party must have something that interest to other party
3) Each party must be able to communicate and deliver
4) Each party must be free to accept or reject any offer from the other party
5) Each party, must consider it desirable, or at least acceptable, to deal with the other party.
The absence of even one of these conditions can cause the best strategies and plans to fail. We would take care of your referencing part with the APA and MLA term papers .

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