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Management term paper

Management term paper deals with the different facets of management system and its importance in the modern business organization and society as a whole. Since business in essence constitutes an economic activity, it has to be considered a part and parcel of the total social, political and economic system. Business can be regarded as the activity carried on by the people (entrepreneurs and managers), through the people (employees), for the people (consumers and the community). A business, therefore, constitutes an economic institution functioning in a framework provide by social, cultural and political factors called environment. Hence the objectives of business will have to be examined in relation to its survival and growth in its environment. The objectives of business can be divided in the economic objectives, human objectives, organic objectives and social objectives. Writing a term paper to highlight the business entities would make it quite favorable in the long run.

Economic objectives: a) Earning an adequate return (profit for the risk undertake)
b) Creating customers for the products of the business c) Innovating in terms of developing new techniques of production, new products, new uses etc. d) Generating incomes in the hands of employees, suppliers of materials etc. through prompt and adequate payment. Human Objectives: Treating employees as partners in the joint venture (Business) and not as inferior lot. b) Forming and developing new skills and abilities among employees.

Organic objectives: a) ploughing back a part of profits so that the business may acquire initial strength to grow and survive in the face of competition Social Objectives: a) generating facilities for the spread of literacy, education, training etc. b) helping the national economic efforts by entering into areas of production or distribution which have been assigned as national priorities. Topic term paper makes sure that all the various fulfillments are carried out.

It should now be clear that it falls on the management to ensure that the multiple objectives of business are fulfilled. Each of the parties involved in business has no more than a partial interest in the enterprise; only management entrusted with its governance carries the overall responsibility for its success and growth. Management must be freed from inter dependence or any single interest if it has to take a broad enough view of its formal accountability but they will not in themselves suffice. Write my term paper is said by all students making the right journey.

With the growth of large scale enterprise, management under any system of accountability and control necessarily acquires a high degree of autonomy in decisions. While it must, in practice, reconcile the some times conflicting claims made on the enterprise by various interested groups, it is not merely their servant but has creative powers of initiation and innovation. How these powers are used depends essentially on the prevailing philosophy of management and the capabilities and conviction of managers.

This means that radical measures are needed to improve the training and qualifications of managers and that management should be built up as a profession with its own moral code, particularly in the conditions of large scale corporate business. The universities and other specialized professional bodies have an important role to play in providing the necessary facilities for research and education. Custom term paper makes sure that all the various illustrations are tailored according to their needs.

Management term paper makes sure that all the business entities are highlighted and understood well.

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