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What are the qualities of research paper writers

What are the qualities of research paper writers are very much normal human beings like others. Writing a custom research paper needs some skills that one can achieve after writing a lot of papers. Any experienced writer has this advantage over the novice one.

The writer must start with selecting the topic and the research problem statement by narrowing it to a certain point. The thesis statement will be made based on this. The literature survey needs to be done minutely so the required facts can be gathered from the precious experiences. The background study is extremely important to understand the nature of the problem.

The research methodology needs to be chosen at this stage of the project. It will help the researcher to choose proper sample, to properly collect the data and to do proper analysis of the collected sample.

After this the researcher needs to interpret the result. Researcher must pay attention to the following points at this stage:

1) At the outset, researcher must invariably satisfy himself that a) the data are appropriate, trustworthy and adequate for drawing inferences; b) the data reflect good homogeneity; and that c) proper analysis has been done through statistical methods. Introduction of the research paper is the first catering.

2) An attempt to write custom research paper must remain cautious about the errors that can possibly arise in the process of interpreting results. Errors can arise due to false generalization or due to wrong interpretation of statistical measures, such as the application of findings beyond the range of observations, identification of correlation with causation and the like. Another major pitfall is the tendency to affirm that definite relationships exist on the basis of confirmation of particular hypotheses.

3) In fact, the positive test results accepting the hypothesis must be interpreted as “being in accord” with the hypothesis, rather than as “confirming the validity of the hypothesis”. The researcher must remain vigilant about all such things so that false generalization may not take place. He should be well equipped with and must know the correct use of statistical measures for drawing inferences concerning his study.

4) He must always keep in view that the task of interpretation is very much interlinked with analysis and can’t be distinctly separated. As such he must take the task of interpretation as a special aspect of analysis and accordingly must take all those precautions that one usually observes while going through the process of analysis viz., precautions concerning the reliability of data, computational checks, validation and comparison of results.

5) The researcher must remember that ideally in the course of a custom research study, there should be constant interaction between initial hypothesis, empirical observation and theoretical conceptions. It is exactly in this area of interaction between theoretical orientation and empirical observation that opportunities for originality and creativity lie. He must pay special attention to this aspect while engaged in the task of writing.

Research paper writers need to do a lot of field work, analysis and writing to make a quality research article. A novice writer often faces difficulty in matching those different multidimensional skills required for writing. The conclusion, bibliography and reference section are three mandatory sections at the end of the article.

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