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Organizing the Research Paper Title Page

The title page of a research paper is meant to give the readers information on certain specific aspects. It is not a very lengthy document or a difficult one to write. All the same, the specifications have to be followed accurately and without fail. For the same reason it is necessary to know the requirements of the research paper title pages and the different styles that can be applied.

The first step to writing a good research paper is a thorough study of the guidelines and the instructions given in it regarding the various parts of the research paper. You will find instructions on the topic, the various parts of the structure and also the type and style. Most structural aspects are allowed to be followed as per the rules of the style asked for. But there are certain cases where alterations will be specified. Each research paper assignment should be presented with due regard to each and every one of the instructions and specifications given in the research paper guidelines. Certain documentation styles ask for a separate title page where as some others include the details in the first page of the main document.

A research paper title page should convey the details of the aspects related to the research paper and not the content. An APA style title page requires details on the author, the title of the research paper, the name of the course, the professor’s name and the date to be included in a separate title page. The complete title is to be arranged at the vertical and horizontal central point of the sheet. A short title or a part of the main title and the page number should be printed at the top right hand corner of the page. This short title would be repeated in all the pages next to the page number. The name of the author, the name of the course, the instructor’s name and the date should appear at the bottom of the page, aligned centrally.

The title page of an MLA style research paper is to be separated from the main document, only if the guidelines specify so. It is very important to remember this point because a normal research paper title page in MLA style is included in the main document itself. The details are arranged neatly on the top portion of the first page of the research paper document. The details to be given include are similar to that of the APA style title page even though the pattern is different.

In an MLA style title page, the name of the author, the name of the professor, the name of the course and the date would find its space on the top left hand side of the first page of the main document. The title will be placed below these, but centrally aligned, right above the introductory paragraph of your research paper. Your surname and the page number would appear on the top right hand side of the page. If the guidelines specify the requirements for a separate title page, do exactly as instructed.

Research paper title pages are to be formatted exactly as asked by your instructor. The information given on the title page should be accurate as there is no excuse for making a mistake with personal information or the title of the research paper.

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