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Research paper rubric

Research paper rubric writing is mandatory at the undergraduate level of study. Most colleges ask their senior students to prepare term assignments as a partial fulfillment of a course taken up for study. At the high school level too these assignments are set to test the cognitive understanding and organizing capability of students. The authorities take these assignments very seriously and students too give them due respect and consideration. Yet at times problems arise due to the lack of understanding of methodology and documentation styles that are used to write the assignments.

The first thing to remember in going about writing assignments is that they are, in a way, an extension of the essay that you have written earlier. The difference lies in the fact that this time round you are expected to gather facts from various sources and then put them all together in a coherent text. In your usual school essay you think about a given topic till you have a clear idea of what you want and then put down your thoughts in the form of writing. You follow the same pattern here too but there is one difference now. You also go to other writers to gather their opinions and then begin the task of writing.

The research paper introduction forms the first section to concentrate on. A second fundamental difference is that you have a more extended time frame to work in. that, let me tell you, is a double edged sword for most of you. The temptation is to let your work lie unattended for a sufficient period of time to find yourself in a do or die situation at the end. Avoid this trap and you are on safe ground. To do so begin with a time schedule you set for yourself and keep as close to it as you can.

This custom research paper calls for some expertise from you. By this time you are accustomed to reading up to gather facts and information. Put your expertise to use and gather facts and information from all the sources that you can think of. That is you’re first and foremost task here. Written texts develop out of experiences and experience usually comes with age. Of course this is not a hard and fast rule and there are many exceptions. In the academic field you have predecessors who can both guide and help you. It would be foolish to ignore them and walk on a path entirely by yourself. You will only lose time and energy in repeating work that ahs already been done.

Once you have material in hand you are free to use it in any way you think appropriate. It is here that you come into the picture. This is your research paper assignment and do not hesitate to make it completely yours. You are neither told nor expected to repeat what others have said in a parrot-like fashion. It is your interpretation of data and facts that is of primary interest.

Research paper rubric, like any such writing, follows certain standard formats that you have to use too. There are a variety of formats available such as MLA, APA style research paper among the chosen few. Choose the one that goes with the type of assignment you have prepared and follow the rules set in it. It takes time and effort to prepare these texts but it is an experience that you are sure to enjoy.

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