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Topics for your Research Paper on Shakespearean Sonnets

Unlike essays where you are expected to study only a certain portion and prepare your essay, for the purpose of writing a research paper, you will have to present a view of your own with relevant arguments. An in-depth study and thorough understanding of the theme is necessary to be able to take a stance. And only an interesting view can help you to prepare a good research paper on Shakespearean sonnets.

Shakespeare’s sonnets are a collection of 154 poems of different themes. There have been many debates and researches done to establish whether these poems are autobiographical. But so far nothing has been proved on the topic even though most people argue that the poems are indeed autobiographical. There are many aspects of these sonnets which will make interesting topics for research.

One topic which is evidently the most difficult one to prove is on the autobiographical nature of Shakespearean sonnets. Various researches have been conducted on the topic but except for assumptions on the possibilities, nothing has been proved so far. So consider if you will be able to successfully prove your argument before choosing to write on the autobiographical nature of the poems.

The themes of the sonnets also make interesting topics for research papers. You can choose any one of the poems and interpret the poet’s words from your own point of view. Shakespeare’s writing style is such that every word can be interpreted in different ways. Hence it will be interesting to choose one sonnet and take a fresh view of the meaning of the poem and prove it. But unless you manage to find a new angle to it, you will not be able to generate interest in your audience.

Another option of a topic for your research paper on Shakespearean sonnets is to study and comment on any particular aspect of the sonnets. You can study the technical aspects and the alterations made in the old rules of sonnets, by the poet, to suit his style. You can also study the other writing techniques the poet has applied in these poems which include irony and pun. Remember that William Shakespeare was famous for his use of such techniques in his plays and poems.

There is also the option of studying the characters the poet has talked about in his sonnets, with respect to the assumption that the sonnets are autobiographical. But, while choosing the topic, remember that even though Shakespeare is one of the most famous poets of all times, almost all the facts about his life are under speculation. So it will be difficult to find credible information on the topic. Consider that aspect also before finalizing on your topic.

There will be no dearth of topics to choose from, when it comes to writing research papers on Shakespeare or his works. But make sure that the topic you choose fits into the instructions given in your research paper guidelines. Even the most interesting topic will not help if it does not suit the assignment guidelines. If you are finding it difficult to find a topic that suits you and the guidelines alike, you should consult your teacher. If not you should consider getting professional help to complete your research paper on Shakespearean sonnets.

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