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Research paper headers and footers

Research papers header and footer are one of the most essential items in the whole article. In the following paragraphs we will discuss different information regarding headers and footers.

They serve basically two things one is to identify those materials those are used directly in the custom research paper in quotation and those which may not have direct use but still those have enough supplementary value. Those are used basically for the purpose of cross references and the acknowledgement of the authors and the sources. The footers are always placed at the bottom of the page and there will be a space between the original text and the position of the footers. These are required to be separately numbered.

There are certain English and Latin abbreviations those are quite often used in bibliographies and footers to eliminate tedious repetitions. The following is a particle list of the most common abbreviations frequently used in report writing (the researcher should learn to recognize them as well as he should learn to use them).
1) Anon. is used for anonymous 2) ante. is used for before 3) bk. is used for book 4) fn. is used for footnote.

The entry in case of footer is followed by a comma. Then follow the volume and page references and are separated by a comma if both are given. A period closes the complete documentary reference. But one should remember that the documentation regarding acknowledgments from magazines and article or periodical literature follow a different form.

A good research paper always starts with a good problem statement. After the cover page, acknowledgement section and the content page the next section is the introduction. This is the place where you can put the problem statement or the working hypothesis. Beside this the purpose of this section is to acquaint the readers with the problem area, its importance, significance and the approach to solve the problem. This section will be followed by the literature survey and the background study section. These two sections are followed by sampling design, data collection and the analysis section.

A judicious use of statistics in guide research paper report is often considered a virtue for it contributes a great deal towards the clarification and simplifications of the material and research studies. One may well remember that a good picture is often worth more than a thousand words, Statistics are usually presented in the form of tables, charts, bars and line graphs and pictograms. Such presentation should be self explanatory and complete in itself. It should be suitable and appropriate looking to the problem in hand. Finally, statistical presentation should be neat and attractive.

The analysis section is followed by the research methodology and the limitations of the study section. The research methodology section writes in details about the different steps taken by you to complete the total research project. The bibliography and the index section are the ultimate two sections. This forms the standard components of a research paper assignment .

Research papers headers and footers are basically used for cross referencing and acknowledgement of different sources and the authors.

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