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Research paper contents page

Research paper contents page shows the different sections and the sub sections of the article. Though it may not be a tough one to make comparing other sections but its importance can never be under estimated. It helps the readers to locate the different chapters of the essay with out any difficulty.

This section of the article always comes at the first half of the total custom research paper . It generally comes after the initial sections like the cover page of the article and the acknowledgment section. The different sections and the subsections of the article are given here with their respective page nos. the sub sections will come under the headings of the sections so the reader can easily locate the sections and their corresponding sub sections.

Any help research paper article will start with a cover page. This cover page generally contains different important information like the title of the study, the name of the researcher, the place of the project, the name of the supervisor and all other relevant information about the research project. The acknowledgement section is the next section which is followed by the index page or the contents page.

This page will work as an index for the whole guide research paper by showing the page numbers of different chapters. Besides these sections there are other chapters as well. General guidelines of such chapters are follows:

1) Nature of the study: Description of the general guidelines of the study, formulation of the problems in operational terms, the working hypothesis, the type of analysis and data required.

2) Methods employed: Specific methods used in the study and their limitations. For instance, in sampling studies we should give details of sample design like the sample size, sample selection etc.

3) Data: Discussion of data collected their sources, characteristics and limitations. If secondary data are used, their suitability to the problem at hand is fully assessed. In case of a survey, the manner in which data are collected should be fully described.

4) Analysis of data and presentations of the findings: The analysis of data and presentation of the findings of the study with supporting data in the form of tables and charts be fully narrated. This, in fact, happens to be main body of the report usually extending over several chapters.

5) Conclusions: A detailed summary of the findings and the policy implications drawn from the results be explained.

6) Bibliography: Bibliography of various sources consulted be prepared and attached.

7) Appendices: Research paper appendices be given for all technical matters relating to questionnaire, mathematical derivations, elaboration on particular techniques of analysis and the like ones.

The order above only gives a general idea of the nature of a research paper; the order of presentation may not necessarily be the same in every research article. This, in other words, means that the presentation may vary in different reports; even the different sections outlined above will not always be the same, nor will all these sections appear in any particular paper.

Research paper contents page shows the page number of different sections and the sub sections of the paper. A properly made content page helps the reader to quickly retrieve the required sections. All these research paper components would fetch likable structure for the composition.

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