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Format of free sample research papers

Format of free sample research papers show the readers the way to write quality research article. If you search the internet thoroughly you will be able to locate many different websites who provide some free articles. Thought these articles are free you can’t use them directly as most of them are copyright protected. You also need to be aware about the quality of these papers as most of the free papers are not of good quality. In spite of all those short comings free research articles can be of great help for the novice writers.

The first problem to solve for making a custom research project is the choice of the problem area. After choosing it you need to write it down as a research problem statement. The effort of the whole project is to find an answer of the problem statement. To find the answers you first need to understand the problem well. For that you need to do the literature survey and the background study.

The literature survey gives us the readers the brief of findings of different researchers who have worked in this field before. To write a literature survey in a proper manner you need to read a lot and then you need to summarize all the findings in a correct manner. The background study gives the reader a lot of information about the history of the chosen topic. The significance and importance of the topic also become clear to everybody. These two sections along with the cover page, acknowledgment section, contents page and the introduction are the main sections of the introductory part of the research article.

The next part of the paper contains the research methodology and the findings of the result. A detailed presentation of the findings of the study, with supporting data in the form of tables and charts together with a validation of results, is the next step in writing the main text of the good research paper. This generally comprises the main body of the paper, extending over several chapters.

This part of the research paper should contain statistical summaries and reductions of the data apart from the raw data. All the findings should be presented in logical sequence and splitted into readily identifiable section. All relevant results must find a place in the report. But how one is to decide about what is relevant is the basic question. Quite often guidance comes primarily from the research problem and from the hypotheses, if any, with which the study was concerned.

In any way, ultimately the researcher must rely on his own judgment in deciding the outline of this part of the research paper. Nevertheless, the necessary things to write this part properly is to tell the readers the procedure by which the researcher worked on the problem, the findings at which he arrived and the bases for his findings.

The final part of the writing is the conclusion part, in which you can find sections like conclusion, bibliography and the reference section. Citations in APA, Harvard, Chicago and MLA format research paper is of high importance.

Free sample custom research papers can help you a lot if you are a novice writer. It will provide you some idea about how to approach a research study. Research paper appendix would be good for the readers to have a detail of the basic knowledge spread by the writer.

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