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Options for Topics for an Art History Research Paper

Art history research papers will be a necessary part of art education, as art history is one of the most important sub-sections of the study of art. If the assignment guidelines have left you the freedom to choose the topic, you can use it to your advantage.

Before starting your search for a suitable topic for your art history research paper, consider the subject, the topic guidelines and the deadline. Evaluate your knowledge of the subject. See how much you can manage within the given deadline. Is there enough time to try a topic that is completely new to you? Or is there only just about time to manage a research paper on a more familiar topic? If you are choosing a difficult topic, do you have the patience to complete the research?

One of the most commonly used topics for art history research paper is that of the origin or current position of a particular piece of art which is still under debate. This section will offer you quite a lot of works to choose from because there are many pieces of work which became famous long after the period to which it actually belonged. That made it difficult to trace its origin and the route it took to reach its current abode.

Another option of topic would be that which is related to the nationality of an art work. In this section of art history, you will find a variety of topics for your research paper. Most of the art works are region specific and the history of art of each nation, unique. The location of origin and the period in which it has been created influence an art work to a great extent.

There are certain countries of which the art works are similar in many ways. It will be very interesting to pick two countries which have works of art that look similar or have identical aspects and find out how it happened to be so.

You can also choose a topic on the origin and development of a particular type of art. A good example would be abstract art. It is something that came into existence a few hundreds of years back. Tracing a particular form of abstract art to its origin and then finding out how it developed into the current stage would be a good topic.

You will find that the art in certain regions are no more specific to that place. Even though they would have a native style of art, some artists adopt different aspects they appreciate from the styles and methods of art of other countries. You may pick a topic on how the native art of a nation has evolved using methods adopted from other places. You should point out with strong evidence which all nations have contributed to the development of that particular style of art.

Writing an art history research paper will be easy only if you are prepared for the trouble. Since research paper writing is a difficult task, you should not hesitate to take guidance from your advisors or academic writing experts if you are not sure of how to proceed with your research paper.

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