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An Example of Research Paper: how to find good examples?

An Example of Research Paper that tackles society, the group that makes up a society, the group around a society could use the Social research method. There are various topics you can use that you’ll be surprised to learn that you can link with our society like, dreams, depressions, music, hypnosis, sleep, suicide therefore we can use just about any topic in our study by using the method social scientists use. This method is for all sorts of topics. Other topics some sociologists focus on is the family, by addressing issues on marriage, divorce, child-rearing, and domestic abuse, the ways these things are defined per cultures and times, and their effect on both individual groups of society and the institutions that make up the society. Others examine larger social organizations, like the business fields and the government through looking at their structure and its hierarchies. But still, others focus on social movements and the political protest, for example the civil rights movement. We may find out divisions and inequality within society, examining the case or the phenomena such as class, gender, even race, and their effect on one’s choices. As you will see when you use this method, you also study just about everything. But it is not the subject matter or the topic that makes your paper as sociological, but on how you write your research.

It is primarily conducted by those in the field of sociology and social psychology. It is also used by others in different fields like social anthropology, political science, social policy, human geography and even education. Social scientists like sociologists study different things, from data they gather on thousands of human beings by the use of census. Actually social scientists use different methods in order to understand, to seek explanation, describe and explore social lives within a society. Approaches they use are Quantitative and Qualitative method.

Quantitative methods’ concern is to quantify social phenomena, collect and analyze numerical data. This method is useful for describing social phenomena, especially on a larger scale. Tools included in a quantitative research are surveys, questionnaire, and the use of statistical data too. Qualitative method emphasizes subjective interpretation as it deals more on personal experiences over quantification. They are more concerned with understanding the social phenomena and their meaning then focuses on. This method allows social scientists to provide greater explanations or descriptions of social happenings, by using the smaller scale of a group. Commonly used qualitative methods include focus groups, participant observation and other techniques. While they vary in different aspects, both methods’ approach involves a systematic interaction between theories and data. Using two or more approaches, researchers can be able to ‘triangulate’ their study and provide a more valid explanation of the social world.

An example of research paper in scientific method in this kind of research work is used by most people. Also, this method is based on logic and empirical observations as it involved interactions between ideas and evidences gathered. They validate data collected and analysis of them. Its goal is finding out, describing the findings then explaining the gathered data is also initiated. This research method aims to find social patterns of the study or to link it to a social phenomena or its regularity in the social life also involving usually that deals with social groups. Social Theories is usually used for this method of research. Social research can either be deductive or inductive. The inductive inquiry or some may call it as grounded research, uses general principles or theories which are developed from observations. Deductive inquiry’s expectations of hypothesis are developed based on general principles.

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