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Academic Writing Assignments – Recognizing Writer’s block

Writer’s block is the most feared enemy of all writers. Even regular and professional writers are not safe from it. But students are more vulnerable to it as they don’t usually have the option of suggesting a comfortable deadline for their academic writing assignments. The non-flexible deadlines and fear about the outcome of the assignments usually set off the writer’s block in students.

How do you escape writer’s block? The answer would be that there is no more ways of escaping a writer’s block than there is to escape a common cold. Does it make it sound like an illness? It is, indeed, a psychological problem though not a grave illness. It is a way by which your mind tries to shut down to escape the immense pressure it is facing. That is the reason why it always happens at the worst of times. It usually happens with research paper assignments as it is a rather lengthy and tedious process.

The best way to cure a writer’s block is to face it rather than fight it. Fighting the onset of writer’s block has proved to have negative results and it has also been observed to be making the situation worse. So, instead of fighting it, accept it and try to cure it. And to accept it, you will need to be able to recognize it.

Unfortunately, most students misunderstand writer’s block as their inability or lack of knowledge. It makes them feel worried and depressed, adding fuel to the problem. They end up paranoid about the time which is sprinting towards the deadline and try hard to focus on their task without much success. The main issue here is that most of them do not realize the cause of their inability to write.

You can call it a writer’s block when you fail to start off the writing process due to an empty feeling in your mind. It even happens with subjects you are familiar with. While experiencing a writer’s block you will find that you are not able to focus on any of the aspects of the topic you are supposed to be writing your research paper on. If you try to focus, you will find that the concentration simply fails to find a foothold and keeps slipping off the topic.

But be warned that it does not always happen towards the starting stage of your work. A writer’s block can set in at any stage of writing. Hence it becomes cause for alarm. You would have taken every possible effort to stick to your research paper schedule and would be just days away from finishing it when the writer’s block happens. It would push you into the confusion which you had desperately tried to avoid. It will also completely mess up your remaining schedule, causing you the risk of missing the deadline of your academic writing assignment.

Once you recognize it and acknowledge it, it would become much easier to cure the writer’s block fast enough to save you much trouble with your academic writing assignment’s deadline. Hence, while facing a writer’s block, instead of wasting time telling yourself it is not happening, it is better to use that time to find a way out of it.

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