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Introduction of a book report

Introduction of a book report writes the main idea of the topic and it gives an idea of the main storyline. It gives a bird’s eye view of the main novel and the idea of what to expect from this review.

The primary work here is to first select the novel of essay that you want to review. Always try to choose a novel which you like and you have a fair bit of idea about the author and the background of the novel. If you choose something which is very unfamiliar to you then you have to work a lot to first read between the lines of the novel. Then you need to do a lot of background study.

Though these steps are essential in case of every novel or essay writing but it becomes easier when you deal with any familiar novel. So if you have the opportunity to choose it is always better to play safe. On the other hand, it is not a good idea to choose any novel where a lot of work has already been done by the others. Then it will be hard for you to contribute any thing new in the existing capacity.

The essay introduction has a lot of importance in the overall report. It is the first interaction of your writing with the reader. So if it’s not well written he may never be interested in reading your full report. So this section of the total writing should be written in a persuading and interesting manner. The technical jargons should be avoided as far as possible so it becomes appreciable to the majority of the readers. The language needs to be simple English that is comprehensible to most of the readers rather than flowery language.

It must have the ability to catch the attention and arouse interest in the mind of the readers. This is the first chance to impress the readers and it should not be wasted.

This section usually contains different important information. The information like the title of the book, brief history of the author and the brief discussion about the main theme are included in this section. The main idea about the novel is also included here.

The thesis statement is included here. This statement is the main idea of the paper essay and this is written in one or two sentences and it generally comes at the end of the first paragraph.

The main body of the report discusses in details about the different views of the novel and analyzes the novel from as many different angles as possible. This is the main section of the overall writing and it should be dealt with very carefully. The analysis is the final part and it gives a summarized view of the whole discussion.

Introduction of a book report gives a preliminary view of the main novel, its theme and the main idea. It is one of the most important section and you need to do a lot of background study about the concerned novel to write this section in a proper manner.

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