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What is a sample essay

What is a sample essay is of biggest concern and are available in different websites. These essays can provide you a good idea about the different ways of writing a paper essay . You may not be able to use it directly because of different legal constraints but it can help you as a guide if you are new to this writing zone.

The first step for writing an essay is the selection of the topic. The general tendency is to choose a topic in which you have some competency. Apart from that you also have some curiosity to go for further knowledge of the subject. If these two factors are missing then it will not be possible for you to make any great contribution. The next step is to make the necessary literature survey to get a good idea about the backgrounds of the topic.

This step is very vital because at this step you will get a bigger picture of the problem in hand. Then you need to make the thesis statement for your article. The next step after making the university essay statement is the research methodology and in this stage you have to make the plans for the sampling design, data collection method and the analysis techniques.

In sampling design we choose some samples from the whole population. Sampling is used in practice for a variety of reasons such as:

1) It can save time and money. A sample study is usually less expensive than a census study and produces results at a relatively faster speed.

2) Sampling may enable more accurate measurements for a sample study if it is conducted properly.

3) Sampling remains the only way when population contains infinitely many members.

4) Sampling remains the only choice when a test involves the destruction of the item under study.

5) Sampling usually enables to estimate the sampling errors and thus, assists in obtaining information concerning some characteristic of the population.

The next step is the collection of the required data. Data can be of two types either primary data or secondary data. The first type of data is the data which will be collected for the first time for the purpose of this research. The secondary data have already been collected by others for some other purpose.

According to the need of the essay paper you have to decide that which type of data will be more appropriate. You need to do some primary research for the collection of primary data and you also need to do the necessary literature survey for the collection of the secondary data. The collected data should be analyzed by using proper analytical tools. The tools need to be unbiased, reliable and valid in nature.

This whole process is written in the custom essay by dividing this whole process and findings into different sections. The main three parts are the introductory parts, main body of the essay and the essay conclusion portion.

Sample essays can be found in different websites. It can be extremely helpful to you if you are a novice in essay writing and don’t really know the structures of an article.

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