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Writing an Essay on The Tempest

William Shakespeare, the most celebrated playwright of all ages, has contributed so much to English literature that his works are considered a necessary part of all levels of English education. You will find that his plays have simple story outlines. But the complex plots within the story and the most extra ordinary narration methods make his plays the best among all literary works. ‘The Tempest’ is one of his comedy themed plays and also, one of the most famous among the lot.

To write an essay on the play, the first thing you need to figure out is the outline of the story. What makes this play stand out from the rest is the involvement of magic, in the plot. And this very fact makes the plot a bit complex, but all the more interesting.

The opening scene of ‘The tempest’ portrays the scene of a storm, referring to the title. We meet some of the main characters of the play, in this scene. King Alonso of Naples and his entourage, consisting of his brother Sebastian and his ill-natured friend Antonio and The king’s counselor Gonzalo, who is a gentleman, are caught in the storm. The storm splits their ship in half.
In the next scene you are introduced to Prospero, the rightful king of Milan, who was overthrown by his brother Antonio with the help of Alonso. He, with his, then two year old daughter Miranda, was abandoned in the sea and they had found refuge in this island where they have been living ever since. Miranda is now a fifteen year old girl, beautiful and kind in nature.

We soon learn that the tempest was magically conjured by Prospero, who was a magician. Even though he didn’t wish any ill to his enemies, he wanted them to accept their mistakes and repent. King Alonso and his entourage are spread out in the tiny island which contributes to the complexity of the plot of ‘The Tempest’.

Soon we meet Ferdinand, son of King Alonso, who is, but, a very good-natured and handsome young man. He meets Miranda, according to Prospero’s plan and both fall in love instantly. The romance between Miranda and Ferdinand adds to the beauty of the play. Prospero, who is happy for his daughter, does not reveal it till the end of the play. He puts Ferdinand through a few tests to make sure that he has not inherited any of the negative sides of Alonso.

Towards the end of the play, all characters come together. King Alonso, regretful about his past life, apologizes to Prospero and the play ends on a happy note with the marriage of Miranda and Ferdinand. Prospero returns to Milan, restored as the duke.

This is just a very thin outline of the story of the play ‘The Tempest’. While writing an essay on the play, you will have to study each of the scenes in detail and try to interpret the words of the great playwright in the best possible manner. Your essay will definitely show how much you know of the story. If you find the plot too difficult to follow, you should take advice from your teachers or someone else who can offer help with your assignment.

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