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Writing Essay on a Shakespeare Play

Shakespeare’s plays are a part of all levels of education irrespective of the main subject of the course. His works take up a rather huge space in English literature collection. His works are not only interesting to read but it is also a great topic for an essay assignment or a research paper project. The results of the Shakespeare essay projects are important for students of all subjects. But for English literature students, their ability to understand and decipher the famous playwright’s plays is absolutely necessary to see them through the course. While writing an essay on a Shakespeare play, it is better to take it step by step, as his plots and narration style are rather complex.

The first and most important thing to do while assigned an essay on a Shakespeare play is to choose a play that suits you. If you are tight for time, it is better to choose a play, of which the story line is known to you. If you have enough time then you may choose any one of his plays as they are all equally beautiful. His plays are mainly categorized into three – comedies, tragedies and histories. Choose the genre that best suits you.

Once you have decided which play to write on, read through the book once without pausing to find out the meaning or explanation. You may not understand everything in the first attempt. But there is no need to despair. After reading it through once without any break, you may now sit and read the play again, this time, taking notes and finding out the meaning of the words and usages you don’t understand. This needs to be a basic but a complete outline of the story. Also take a note of the characters as his plays are rich with characters and if you don’t note them down as you read it will be difficult to remember all of them.

Once you have understood what the story is all about and what roles the characters have played in the story, now you may sit down to write your essay. A few things which you have to include in your essay on the Shakespeare play are:

• The main story line.
• The main characters
• A brief sketch of the characters
• A detailed account of the most important moments in the play
• Annotations of the famous parts of the play

Pay attention to the guidelines as essays come with different specifications. You have to write your essay according to the guidelines given to you. Some guidelines might ask you to concentrate on certain aspects of a play whereas some others might require you to pay more attention to the story line or yet, some others might ask you to write on the narration. Your final score will depend on how well you have stuck to the guidelines.

Writing an essay on a Shakespeare play is a most delightful task, if you like English literature. Essay Writing is an art and it takes a lot of skill, as well, to write an essay on a play by a famous playwright like Shakespeare. It also takes a lot of time and patience to successfully complete such an assignment.

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