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Persuasive Essay Prompt

Some interesting persuasive essay prompts

Persuasive essay writing is mainly about making someone see your point through the use of persuasive language and conclusive evidence. Effective persuasive writing is when you answer all the possible questions, through your perspective before they are asked by your audience. There are numerous good persuasive essay prompts which you can use for your essay. Identifying the one which is suitable for you is what is important.

If you have already been given the topic for your essay assignment, then there is no need to worry. If you have been given a list to choose from, pick such a prompt which you are confident about being able to prove. Absolute confidence in what you are saying is one of the vital elements of persuasive writing. If you have been given the liberty to choose your persuasive essay topic, then you may consider any topic in which you can prove the weaker side. Proving the stronger and more popular side of the issue will not add to the appeal of your essay. A good persuasive essay prompt would prove a contradictory view to the popular one.

• Prove that the use of English as the common medium of education in all countries is not feasible.
• Persuade your audience to believe that mob violence is justifiable.
• Write on how the development of technology has become more of a threat than help for human kind.
• Address your closest friend, persuading him to consider a career which does not appeal to him but which, you think, is suitable for him.
• Address your parents and persuade them to let you skip your class for a concert you wish to go to.
• Persuade your teacher to believe that being more lenient with students would help more in bringing out the best in his students.
• Try to make your audience see why divorce is an utterly selfish decision on the part of whichever parent favors it.

While choosing a persuasive essay prompt from a list of options or while finding a persuasive topic, remember that it is your perspective that makes a difference. You may choose any topic and make it interesting by choosing to take an unusual stance on the topic. Proving things what your audience already believe it will not make much of an impact.

Employing powerful use of words is also important while writing persuasive essays. And for that, you need excellent writing skills. All words are equally powerful when used in the right context. But if you are not one of the lucky ones who were born with the skill, you will need to take some effort towards developing your writing abilities before you attempt to write a persuasive essay.

Persuasive essay prompts are given out to make it easy for the students to make their choice. But sometimes it happens that none of the options seem easy enough for you to handle. If that is the case, there is no need to worry. You can choose to get a custom essay prepared for you on your choice of prompt and as per your specific preferences. Our writers are all highly experienced and hold high qualifications in their respective fields. Hence, you will have nothing to worry about, once you hand, your assignment, over to us.

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