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How to Write an Opinion Essay

Opinion essay is a type of argumentative essay where you offer your opinion on the topic and establish it with relevant arguments. There are a lot of factors which contribute to a well-written assignment. Fulfilling the objective of the assignment is the most important criteria, of all.

An opinion essay will focus on your opinion on the given topic. This opinion, which might be positive or negative, should have enough factual evidence to support it. It does not matter if you prove that your opinion is right or not. What matters is that you make it worthwhile for your reader or audience. It is easy to convey your opinion. But the difficult part is to make it sound like an idea worth considering, to another person.

Opinion essays come with all kinds of subjects and topics as each individual has a different opinion about almost everything. There are many ways of presenting your opinion about a topic. You may apply a mixture of all those in your essay or focus on one particular method. Either way, an effective presentation will leave an impression of your opinion on the reader.

One way to go about expressing your opinion is to use comparison. Compare your opinion with that of others which are contradictory to your view and state why your opinion on the topic is different. You do not necessarily have to produce solid evidence but good evidence is always the best support for an opinion or argument. Consider that you could be arguing or opining against the popular opinion, while using comparison. Hence it will be ideal to provide some kind of proof to show that yours is the more sensible one.

You can also illustrate your idea in a manner whereby you use sources which offer similar or supportive opinion, in order to prove your view. This will suit those who have a tight deadline because it is easier to convey your idea using supportive sources than contradictory ones. Contradictory method will be more effective and impressive as it will show the depth of your knowledge of the subject and topic. It will also make you sound confident and sure of what you are talking about. But it will definitely take much more time and effort on your part to successfully use that method.

Using both supportive and contradictory sources together will be the best option, if you have the time and patience to do that. When you apply both these in your opinion essay, it becomes very easy to convey your opinion and make it sound interesting.

Opinions essays are all about your opinion but what makes it interesting is the way you present it. Understanding the particular type of essay project assigned to you is the first step to being able to write a good essay. It is up to you to make your readers want to read on till the end. Conveying your idea effectively is a skill you will need, in order to handle your academic writing assignments.

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