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Marijuana Essay

Tips and topics for marijuana essays

One of the common essay topics given out to students is that of marijuana. Before starting to write the essay, you must consider the objective of an essay assignment. Essays are different from research papers due to the fact that for essays you just need to express your knowledge of what have been taught. It does not require you to do extensive research or come up with theories. A marijuana essay must project your knowledge of the topic in relation to your syllabus.

There would most certainly be some research involved in essay writing also, but it will not be to bring out unknown facts but for reference purposes. You will need to find material to make your essay impressive. You can also do this by referring to your text alone. But it will be more impressive if you manage to find some relevant material from external sources also. But make sure that it is relevant to the matter discussed and well within the range of the topics discussed in your class.

Your essay on marijuana should:

1. Give the necessary information on the herb. This should touch upon the history of the drug as well as the scientific information.
2. Talk of how it evolved from a normal plant into a psychoactive drug which has become a headache for many nations.
3. Explain the nature and characteristics of the drug. This will include the main effects as well as the side-effects.
4. Talk of the legal implications of using the drug or possessing it.
5. Discuss your theory in as much detail as necessary. Find out the exact point to draw the line between the general information and your theory which is the focal point of your essay.
6. Conclude with due stress on the focal point, along with a summary of the main points discussed.

Some topics you can consider for marijuana essays are:

• The legal issues one might face in various countries if found in possession of the drug.
• The uses to which the drug can be put to.
• Is the legal ban or limitations on the use of marijuana justified?
• What can be done to check the illegal use of marijuana?
• What all measures have been tried, in the past, to save vulnerable people from getting addicted to marijuana? Did those methods work or fail? If they failed, explain the possible reasons why it didn’t work.

You will find many more topics under this section, to write on. Choosing the most suitable topic and presenting it impressively are the basic things expected of you. Having an accurate idea of what you want and what you can is necessary for preparing interesting marijuana essays. While studying about the topic, spread your view onto the related areas also in order to get a better idea of the marijuana topic you have chosen. But while writing, keep your focus firmly on your thesis.

If you would like to get a custom essay prepared for you by professionals, you have come to the right place! Our expert academic writers will be able to prepare an outstanding marijuana essay for you. We know what you want and are confident about being able to provide you with it. Your essay will be safe in the hands of our academic experts.

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