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Leadership essay

Leadership essay deals with the topic. This topic is a much studied topic in management because of a certain mystique associated with it and because organizations and societies are generally dependent on leaders for their survival and development. Whether the organization is a school or a space center, this is an indispensable element that makes a difference between its success and failure. Other samples are also available.

Most of the basic organizational problems such as a distorted structural design, poor morale of mangers and employees, communication gaps, resistance to change, inefficient controls, iniquitous salary structure, resources scarcities, incompatibility with external environment and so on are attributed to poor leading skill especially at the top.

It may be defined as a position of power held by an individual in a group, which provides him with an opportunity to exercise interpersonal influence on the group members for mobilizing and directing their efforts towards certain goals. He is at the centre of group’s power structure, keeps the group together, infuses life into it, moves it towards its goals and maintains its momentum.

She may emerge in a group by virtue of his personality characteristic and qualities or by virtue of common consent of group members. In the later case the leader derives his power from the group members. He continues his position at the pleasure of the group members collectively. This position exists in most group settings irrespective of the size of the group. For example, a leader of national or international standing commands wide spread influence over a large number of people while the influence of the leader of a small group in an organization is very limited. But both are leaders in their own right and fulfill our definition essay.

It is an influential and persuasive essay. He is in a position to shape, regulate, control and change their attitudes, behavior and performance of his group members. The latter is supposed to comply with the formers desires and directives and partially suspend their own judgement and discretion.

Great leaders can be identified in many walks of life who command tremendous influence and prestige. At the same time, there are also many weak leaders who are barely able to get things done. Much depends on the abilities, qualities and behavior of the leaders, the nature and characteristics of group members and the interplay of the various forces in the situation. There are different theories in this topic. We can classify them broadly into three categories firstly the personality theories, then the behavioral theories and the latest is the situational or contingency theories. The business school essay sometimes deal with such topics which are likely for the managers.

Writing such article on a topic like this needs a lot of field study and in depth knowledge about the different aspects of organizational behavior. If you think that writing will be problematic for you feel free to contact with us. We can provide you tailor made, original and the highest quality article that can help you passing your hurdle.

Leadership essay deals with this interesting and debatable topic. In previous chapters we have tried to discuss some preliminary things of this subject. Such compare and contrast essay among the leaders and others clear the very distinction among people.

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