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Job essay paper

Job essay paper can be a requirement for applying in any particular job. Essay writing is an instrument to understand your traits, characteristics, motivation level, the reason for choosing this job and whether your future career goals is in tune with the organizational goal.

The college essay is basically used to understand the writing skill, analytical thinking ability and career goal of the applicant. So it is very important to study the background of the organization, its culture and the management thinking process. If your thinking process doesn’t match with these they may never be interested in hiring you.

Organization culture is a blend of ideas, customs, traditional practices, company values and shared meanings that help define normal behavior for every one who works in a company. Every organization has a culture which exercises considerable influence on employee behavior. Hewlett Packard is well known for a culture that stresses on values and ethics. Called the ‘HP Way’ by the employees, the most important values of the culture are confidence in and respect for people, open communication, sharing of benefits and responsibilities, concern for the individual employees, and honesty and integrity.

Another important factor is the historical background of the company and the phases through it has passed. You also need to know the way its management thinks. You need to analyze this information before you actually start writing your proposal.

The introduction of this kind of essays generally deals with your background i.e. your academic, professional and family background. Academic background will give the impression to the recruiter whether you have enough academic knowledge to do the work or not. Your professional background will check your practical experience in doing different types of work. Your family background will give the impression to the recruiter about the kind of person you are and about your family.

The main body of the informative essay paper will have a discussion about the job and why do you think that you are the most suitable for the job? It will also discuss that how this job is going to benefit you in progressing your career? And whether your own ambition and company’s expectation are coinciding or not? These are the points where you really need to give emphasize and you need to get solution for those questions. You need to do SWOT analysis to find your own strengths and weaknesses and also the external factors those can jeopardize your career.

You need to tell the benefits the company can get if they hire you and the way it will help in your career growth in the English essay paper . You can also talk about your hobbies and interests and how that can help for the company’s prospect. You can also talk in brief about the company’s culture and background so show that you have genuine interest in taking this job.
The conclusion will summarize and reinstate your candidature for the concerned job.

Job essay paper is basically selling your qualities so that the recruiters can find you as the most suitable candidate among the crowd of hundreds.

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