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How are quarterly essays written

How are quarterly essays written are very much similar to any other ordinary essay the only difference is that you have to submit on the appointed day. So the deadline is very strictly maintained in this case and because of that you need to do some proper planning to submit it on time with out fail.

The structure of this kind of article is very much similar to the ordinary essay. The main parts are the introduction, main body and the closing paragraph. The first part of the writing gives the writers a general idea about the university essay . This part contains sections like the cover page, acknowledgment section, contents page, introduction, thesis statement, literature survey, background study and other sections.

These sections mainly give the readers a general idea about the essay paper so the readers can become acquainted with the topic. Apart from this the article also talks about the significance and importance of the topic and the reason for choosing it as our research subject.

The next part is the main body of the essay writing and this section generally contains the research methodology and the analysis section. The sampling design, data collection methods and the analysis section are the main sections of this part. The sampling design should be done carefully as it can save precious time and money if done carefully.

There are different methods for collecting the data but one must always remember that each method of data collection has its uses and none is superior in all situations. For instance, telephone interview method may be considered appropriate (assuming telephone population) if funds are restricted, time is also restricted and the data is to be collected in respect of few items with or without a certain degree of precision.

In case funds permit and more information is desired, personal interview method may be said to be relatively better. In case time is ample, funds are limited and much information is to be gathered with no precision, then mail questionnaire method can be regarded more reasonable. When funds are ample, time is also ample and much information with no precision is to be collected, then either personal interview or the mail questionnaire or the joint use of these two methods may be taken as an appropriate method of collecting data.

Where a wide geographic area is to be covered, the use of mail questionnaire supplemented by personal interviews will yield more reliable results per dollar spent than either method alone. The secondary data may be used in case the researcher finds them reliable, adequate and appropriate for his essay introduction .

The next step is to analyze the collected data in the most suitable manner by using the most appropriate technique. The ultimate part is the concluding paragraph of the essay . This part summarizes the whole of the essay once again. The bibliography and the reference sections are added after the conclusion section.

Quarterly essay need to be submitted on the fixed day. The basic structure of the essay is very much same as any other essay.

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