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Critical analysis of Romeo and Juliet essay

Critical analysis of Romeo and Juliet essay deals with the great tragedy written by William Shakespeare. This story is based on the love affairs of two teenagers. This is one of the most popular dramas written by Shakespeare and it hasn’t lost its popularity even in the modern time. This play has been played in the drama, in the cinema for thousands of times till today.

This essay is so popular because of its simplicity and the superbly written language by the author in switching between comedy and tragedy. The type of tragic romance that we find in this play can be traced back to the tragic romantic stories of ancient Greek civilization.

Critical analysis essay of the main characters would form a large proportion of the content. In this story the two opposite feudal lords are Lord Capulet and Lord Montague. Juliet the heroine of this story is the daughter of Lord Capulet and Romeo the hero of this story is the son of Lord Montague. The other principal characters of this drama are Lady Capulet, Tybalt, Lady Montague, Benvolio and others. The two households of feudal lords namely Capulet house and the Montague house were at daggers drawn with each other. Romeo was in love with a girl named Rosaline.

Custom essay in this field would cover analysis of various scenes that would be taken into account for the play. He wanted to meet with this girl. With the help of his friend Benvolio he and Benvolio went to meet Rosaline in the in a Ball at Capulet house. There he met with Juliet the daughter of Lord Capulet his father’s enemy. Without knowing each other they fell in love with each other. After the Ball Romeo revealed her his real identity and they decided to be married. Friar Lawrence who is Romeo’s confidant helped them to marry secretly in the next day. In the mean time Romeo has an altercation with Tybalt who was very angry after knowing that Romeo Sneaked secretly into the Capulet house.

He challenged Romeo to a Duel. Romeo ignored him because at that he was to his wife Juliet. However Romeo’s friend Mercutio took the challenge of Tybalt and he died in the Duel. Romeo was very angry with the death of his friend and he killed Tybalt. The Prince Escalus exiled Romeo for this killing. In the mean time Lord Capulet wanted that Juliet should marry Count Paris. Juliet refused to marry and she wanted at least one month of time. Friar Lawrence gave her a drug which would put her in death like coma but in reality she would be alive.

She took the drug and she kept in the family crypt. Friar then sent a messenger to Romeo to tell him about the plan so he can again rejoined with Juliet. But before the messenger the Romeo got the news of Juliet’s death. He bought poison and then killed himself at the crypt of Juliet and Juliet after awakening found Romeo dead. She also killed herself in grief.

Romeo and Juliet essay can take this story from different angles. The research methodology of this type of essay will be based on secondary data collection and its proper analysis. Literature survey is very important as well as making of proper essay write up .

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