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Choosing a Good Topic for your Cancer Research Paper

Being assigned the task of writing a research paper on cancer should be considered a privilege, considering the fact that it is one of the biggest threats to human kind. Cancer is the term for the uncontrollable growth of cells in a human body. Even after repeated attempts, scientists world over, have failed to find a cure for this dreadful illness. Researches are still being carried out, but without much progress.

To choose a topic for your cancer research paper, you don’t have to limit yourself to the medical aspects of the illness alone. There are so many different angles – social, psychological and biological – for this research and you can pick a topic from any of these for the research, on this particular subject.

There are a lot of factors which contribute to cancer. Habits like smoking and chewing tobacco have been found to cause the growth of cancerous cells in human body. Certain plastics, when used in close contact with food regularly also seem to aid the growth of cancerous cells. And this deadly disease can pass on to a person genetically as well.

Every day you keep hearing rumors on the causes of cancer. Even though some of what you hear is true, there is a lot of false information also floating around. People come up with fresh ideas every day and talk about it authoritatively, giving rise to rumors which are totally baseless. It will prove a good topic to pick one of those myths and try to find out the truth about it.

You can also try and list out the reasons as to why scientists have been unable to find a cure for this. You may also do a research on the biological aspects which could contribute to it. Another good topic for your cancer research paper would be the psychological impact caused by this disease and how well it works to include a psychological approach in the treatment of cancer patients. Since there is no cure for it, it will prove a good topic to find out certain methods of boosting the immunity against cancer.

Remember to confirm the availability of the topic at the time you are picking it because it is one of the most chosen subjects for research and the topics which come under it get taken by researchers regularly.

You can choose to do a quantitative or qualitative research on cancer, depending on the topic you have chosen. Whichever method you might choose, remember that you are dealing with a topic of utmost importance and try to make your research useful by picking a relevant topic and doing a genuine research on it.

Sometimes, the research paper comes with certain guidelines on the topic as well. Read the guidelines carefully, in order to ensure that you are not straying off the permitted section in search of the topic for your cancer research paper. An impressive cancer research paper would be one that is of some kind of practical value. If you are not being able to choose a good topic for your research, take advice from experts in the field.

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