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Facts to Know Before Writing a Biology Essay

Biology can be generally called as the detailed study of living organisms. You will be studying the subject and its sub divisions in detail if you are a science student. Science subjects have lesser writing assignments than art subjects or social studies. All the same, you will still be given several essays and research papers related to your subject for the assessment of your theoretical skills. You should understand the subject well enough to be able to score well in your biology essay projects.

Just a basic knowledge of biology will not suffice for you to prepare an interesting biology essay. Biology is a subject with many sub-divisions. The main ones are zoology, botany and micro biology. Each of these has further sub divisions which deal with finer details of each section.

Zoology is the science that studies the nature and structure of animals, which includes human beings. It deals with the physical aspects of the species. Anatomy, histology, physiology etc are the sub divisions of zoology. You will study each of these sub divisions in detail if you have chosen to pursue zoology as your main subject.

Botany, or the plant science, is the study of all form of plant life. It not only deals with the structural aspects of plants but it also studies the scientific aspects of plant life. This is guessed to be one of the oldest of sciences as man used to live in forests and used to depend on trees for most of their basic needs. So it is only logical to guess that he must have started studying it around the same time even though it was not known as a subject at the time.

The toughest of the three main divisions of biology is micro-biology. This is the science which was devised to study micro organisms in detail. Micro-organisms also come under the definition of living beings, even though it can’t be seen with naked eyes. Micro-biology is still considered to be one of those sciences which has revealed its least to man. Even though it has attracted researchers for centuries, this branch of science has not seen enough progress due to the complex nature of micro-organisms. Virology, bacteriology, parasitology, mycology etc are its sub divisions. Each, as the names indicate, deals with a different group of micro organisms.

Biology is a sum total of all these subjects, the studies of which form the base of our existence. Many other sciences are highly dependant on biological studies for their development. A very good example of one science which owes a lot to biology, is medical science. Depending on the topic of your essay, you should study the particular division of biology in detail, to be able to write an impressive essay.

Remember that being a science student is not an excuse for neglecting your writing assignments. In fact, you will find that learning the theory is the key to understanding the practical part of a science subject. If Biology is one of your subjects, then your biology essays and research papers deserve as much attention as your practical assessments.

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