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Animal farm essays

Animal farm essays deals with the famous novel written by George Orwell. This book is written in the landscape of Soviet communism and it is a kind of satirical allegory as different animals are allegorically portrayed as different human characters. This book was published in 1946 and this is considered to be one of the best novels in English literature.

In this novel all the animals are supposedly playing the characters of Bolshevik revolutionaries. At the start of the story they made a revolution against the human owners of the firm and they successfully captured the firm by ousting the human owners of the firm. Then they made their dream community where each and every one is equal. It is the utopian society they have dreamt of where there will be no disparities. University essays are quite renowned with us having a series of experience over the years in almost every subject of this world.

But their dream shattered very soon as the disparities between different classes of animals soon emerged and the status inequality which was totally opposite to their ideology also emerged. In this novel we can see that how individuals change their thinking and how they change their ideology according to their social position. There is a famous saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and we can see the example of how power corrupt the people and distorted their ideology. These type of analysis essay make sure to get to the depth for understanding the material.

All the animals and the human characters are allegorically attached to different human characters of Russian and world leaders and some animals are also symbols of different classes of Russian society. For example the Napoleon who is a Berkshire boar in the novel is a portrait of Joseph Stalin. Another white boar whose name is Snowball in the novel is a portrait of Leon Trotsky who was a rival of Joseph Stalin. Squealer is another character in this novel. Student essays are quite common with us.

This is symbolized as a small fat porker. This animal works as the public speaker of the leader Napoleon. This character has got the striking similarity with Vyacheslav Motolav. This character shows that how Stalin used the media for his own advantage by spreading different propaganda that will best serve his purpose. This character is highly expert in playing with the languages.

The dogs are the symbols of secret police. These dogs are used by Napoleon to intimidate and control the other animals of the firm. This is also an allegory of how the secret police have been used by the Stalin to hold the control of Soviet Russia. The different characters are presented in a beautiful way to understand the deeper problems of humans’ nature and also it shows the real picture of the time.

In this short description we have tried to give you a very preliminary idea about the novel. If you need any further help about the novel you can contact with us. If you want any term paper or research article on this novel we are ready to help you at any time. We have years of expertise in providing the best quality and original writings in various types of subjects.

Animal farm essays will be dealing with one of the best satirical novel of all time. It is completely a reflective essay which portrays a series of characters.

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